SAEP Alumni Committee

In 2021, The San Antonio Education Partnership established the SAEP Alumni Committee to ensure that our organization continues to meet the needs of the San Antonio Community when creating college opportunites, access, and success.  The  SAEP Alumni Committee is designed to elevate student voices in decision-making and policy within our organization. The nine-person committee is comprised of high school students, college students, and professionals, all of whom have received SAEP Services. Each member is passionate about youth opportunity and community growth and offers a unique perspective on how SAEP can better serve the community.


Alumni Committee Members

Lorena A.


Hello, my name is Lorena; I believe there is a special uniqueness in each individual, and when applied correctly, it can create meaningful change in a community. I hope to take my uniqueness and personal interests and combine them with the factors that differentiate others to form a powerful impact that leads to positive change. Serving on this committee will be a wonderful opportunity to create change with different perspectives and ideas.

Lily M.


My name is Lily. My goal in life is to help everyone smile and I apply this to my career choice to be a dentist, but also in how I lead and speak to others. I see this program as an opportunity to develop more decision-making skills and to help make a difference in San Antonio. 

Moeen R.


Hello! I am Moeen. Some of my current interests are climate change (and Carbon capture technologies), innovations in STEM, experimenting with new food combinations (current favorite is grilled cheese + hot sauce of choice), and entrepreneurship. 

Dulce F.

Jay HS

Palo Alto College

Hello, my name is Dulce and I’m an FGLI college student. My career goals are to be in the healthcare profession and be an advocate for the Hispanic/Undocumented communities. I’m looking forward to working on this committee to help and uplift those voices who are not heard and to bring awareness to underrepresented communities.  

Sophia M.

Brackenridge HS

St. Mary’s University

My name is Sophia, I am a junior full-time student at St. Mary’s University, and I am majoring in psychology. As for career plans, my goal is to become a child clinical psychologist. However, my ultimate goal in life is to give back to the community that has blessed me endlessly in my education, which is why I am interested in serving this committee. I want to be here to help other students get the same resources and, if possible, even better resources that will get them to achieve their goals, just as I was able to. 

Elora R.

Kennedy HS

The University of Texas at San Antonio

I am an undergraduate student at the University of Texas at San Antonio and a first-year scholarship recipient for the SAEP Scholarship program. My goal is to earn a master’s degree in Construction Science and Management and to become a general contractor for a company here in Texas. I am very excited to be a part of this committee in order to share my experiences and advice with future incoming recipients. I hope that being on this committee will help me grow both as an individual and a leader.  

Samuel H.

Edison HS

University of the Incarnate Word


I am a San Antonio Native. I work at Valero Energy in Internal Audit. My goal is to coordinate volunteer events yearly and mentor as many students as possible. I am interested in serving to grow the SAEP network and funding. 

Gustavo O.


University of the Incarnate Word

South Texas Blood and Tissue Center

Hello all!  My name is Gustavo or Gus for short, I’m  a recent graduate from the University of the Incarnate Word with a degree in Psychology. One of my long-term goals in life is to become a Pediatrician and also help promote mental health awareness within the Latinx community. I hope with this committee we build a community where we all help one another to achieve our goals in life and help service our very own community here in San Antonio. I am looking forward to the journey ahead! 

Rebecca U.

Kennedy HS

Our Lady of the Lake University

MSR Metals